Copperwood Financial, Inc.
Protecting your family is one of the most valuable things you can do. Depending on your age, your most valuable asset is often times your ability to earn an income. Protecting that with disability insurance and life insurance may be one of the best financial moves you make.
As you near retirement, life insurance becomes less about income replacement, and more about wealth transfer. The tax code has made life insurance one of the best assets to pass on to your heirs. Life insurance proceeds are generally income tax free, and if properly planned, estate tax free.
There’s a constant debate among financial experts as to whether Term or Permanent (usually whole life or universal life) is the best solution. Just like whether you need to use a hammer or a screwdriver to complete a task. The correct answer is: it depends on the purpose.
Term insurance may be the most cost effective way to provide protection for a specific period of time. For example, if you have young children and want to make sure that there is enough money available to cover the cost of their college. A 10-20 year term may be most appropriate.
If you’re more established in your career, and have a desire to leave a certain amount of money to your heirs. Then a certain amount of permanent insurance may make the most sense. The longer you wait to get a permanent policy, the more expensive it will be. In addition, tomorrow’s health is never guaranteed.
For those that have a substantial net worth or income, life insurance becomes a powerful wealth transfer tool that high net worth families have used for decades. The tax-free nature and inherent leverage make it a far better asset to own at death than a traditional IRA or cash account. It’s also a great tool to provide immediate liquidity to cover estate taxes, probate costs, and equalize an estate.
At Copperwood Financial, we realize that insurance is complicated. We specialize in breaking down the complex product specifics, and creating the best solution to fit into your financial life.
When we provide advice around insurance, you won’t hear any product pitches. We don’t represent just one company, and we’ll often work with multiple companies to make sure that we’re fighting for the best underwriting and pricing for whatever solution we’re working for.
***Insurance Products are offered through Copperwood Insurance Services, Inc., an affiliated entity under common ownership with Copperwood Financial, Inc. Information is provided here for educational purposes only and is not intended to provide any specific financial recommendations or be considered advice.***
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